On your way to Grants Pass off I-5, you will be greeted by the giant Caveman standing 17 ft tall guarding the Grants Pass & Josephine County Chamber of Commerce.
The Caveman was built in 1971 by the Grants Pass Caveman club. On July 4, 2004 the caveman was vandalized severely damaging part of his body. Local business owner, John Stripling paid to have the damages repaired. Today, the Caveman still stands proudly in the Chamber of Commerce lawn greeting thousands of visitors.
Cavemen are a huge part of Grants Pass history. Local businessmen created the Caveman Club in 1922 to boost awareness of Grants Pass and the Oregon Caves. They dawned animal furs and ceremonial caveman clubs welcoming visitors to our area. They even welcomed visiting dignitaries John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan. They are going strong today and will see them present at major events in Grants Pass! The caveman is also the current mascot of Grants Pass High School.
If you want to be a part of the Caveman, be sure to stop by the Grants Pass & Josephine County Chamber of Commerce Visitor Center to take a picture with the statue or pick up a "flat-stanley” of our caveman MOE at the office to take on all of your adventures! Post your photos on
You can also visit his cousin, "BRO" south on Sixth Street near the Caveman Bridge.