Chamber Foundation
Foundation Board of Directors
Foundation Board of Directors
Chair- Lowell Gibson
Vice Chair- Roy Lindsay
Secretary- Rebecca Stoltz
Treasurer- Pending
Director- Hyla Lipson
Director- Terri Wiley
Director- Lawton Lesueur
Ex-Officio- Josie Molloy, Chamber President & CEO
Ex-Officio- Trent Carpenter, Chamber Chair
Ex-Officio- Kate Lasky, Chamber Incoming Chair
Mission Statement
The Grants Pass & Josephine County Foundation was created to further the Chamber’s mission, “To support and promote our local commerce through communication, advocacy and partnerships.” The Foundation is a visible extension of the Chamber in our local communities providing a vehicle to fund projects to improve our county.
The Foundation focuses on community development through leadership, youth, education programs, and fundraising in support of the local community.
Foundation's Current Fundraiser