The Grants Pass & Josephine County Chamber of Commerce works every day to make our community a place where businesses can grow and prosper, where people want to raise their families and tourists want to visit. To provide this to our businesses and community, the Chamber has several networking events and committees.
The Ambassadors are the oldest and largest standing committee of the Grants Pass & Josephine County Chamber of Commerce. Ambassadors serve as the welcoming committee for the chamber. Ambassadors are goodwill representatives, or the public relations arm of the organization that works for business and community interests in Josephine County.
This fun group of business owners dedicate themselves to serving the entire Chamber membership by promoting the Chamber’s message and mission to fellow business professionals with our community.
Committee members act as hosts at Business for Breakfast (Greeters) Business after Hours, Ribbon Cuttings, Ground Breaking Ceremonies and assist at Chamber functions and special events. With the funds that they earn from projects provide scholarships to students interested in business education.
Check the Chamber Event Calendar for this
week's location!

Business Retention & Expansion
Most new jobs and investment in a community are created by existing companies. As an economic development strategy, the return on the investment of human and financial resources on local businesses is greater than when invested on prospective new businesses. Plus, new business recruitment is made easier when there is a happy and healthy local business climate and existing firms become ambassadors for the community.
The purpose of BR&E is to help existing local businesses grow, expand and overcome obstacles. Formal face-to-face business surveys are conducted every three years to gather vital information to provide assistance to local firms. The following two years after the survey the chamber implements symposiums, forums and classes to help in the areas that businesses need at that current time.

Finance Committee
This committee reviews the Grants Pass & Josephine County Chamber of Commerce monthly financials.

Government Affairs
Whether you are a business who works closely with the government or you are your business's community outreach person, you might want to consider attending the Chamber Government Affairs Group. This meeting has regular updates from our local city, county, and state agencies and elected officials. All members of the Chamber are welcome to attend. Use this committee as an opportunity to network with public sector leaders or just learn more about what is going on in your local community!
This committee meets regular with updates from our local city, county, and state agencies and elected officials. They work with the city, county, and elected officials to achieve a positive business environment. They also monitor upcoming bills and legislation that may affect local businesses.

Lemonade Day
Lemonade Day is a fun, experiential program that teaches youth how to start, own and operate their very own business - a lemonade stand. This year Grants Pass is a participating city for the first time. Youth have the opportunity to experience entrepreneurship by setting up their business during our community-wide Lemonade Day in August.

Young Professionals Network
This group is for young professionals in the target age range of 21-40 who are looking for networking opportunities with other young professionals, connections to the community and business leaders, community engagement, and professional development.
YPN creates an environment for young leaders and entrepreneurs to network and collaborate with each other and other community leaders in order to develop professionally and engage with the local community.
The Young Professionals Network holds monthly luncheons & quarterly socials. They also organize an annual community service project. This a great opportunity for young professionals to get involved with their community!
This program is a part of the Grants Pass & Josephine County Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber is a catalyst that enables businesses to accomplish collectively what no single business could do alone. A strong united effort gives a voice to members, provides a business environment that is both competitive and supportive and helps improve the overall health of our community.

Are you interested in joining?
Contact Christie Swafford to join the mailing list.
Follow Us!
Facebook @grantspassyoungprofessionalsnetwork
Instagram @grantspass_joco_chamber_ypn
Join the YPN Text group!
To subscribe, text: notify gpchamber YPN to 313131